Thursday, April 19, 2012

65 reasons and counting, why UMNO/BN must be voted out

65 Reason why we should Vote UMNO/BN Out in this upcoming General Erection!!

1. PKFZ RM12bill

2. Submarine commission RM500mil

3. Sime Darby RM964mil

4. Paya Indah Westland RM88mil

5. Posmalaysia (transmile) RM230mil lost

6. Eurocopter deal RM1bil wasted?

7. Terengganu Stadium Collapsed RM292mil

8. MRR2 repair cost RM70mil

9. Maybank Overpaid BII RM4bil

10. Tourism -NYY kickback RM10mil

11. 3 paintings bought by MAS—————– RM 1.5M

12. Overpayment by Sport Ministry————- RM 8.4M

13. London 's white elephant sports complex —- RM 70M

14. MATRADE repairs ————————– RM 120M

15. Cost of new plane used by PM————– RM 200M

16. InventQ irrecoverable debt —————- RM 228M

17. Compensation for killing crooked bridge —– RM 257M

18. Lost in selling Augusta ——————— RM 510M

19. Worth of AP given out in a year ———— RM 1.8B

20. Submarines (future Muzium Negara artifacts)- RM 4.1B

21. PSC Naval dockyard ———————— RM 6.75B

22. The Bank Bumiputra twin scandals in the early 1980s saw
US$1 billion loss (RM3.2 billion in 2008 ringgit)

23. The Maminco attempt to corner the world tin market in the 1980s is believed to have cost some US$500 million. (RM1.6 billion)

24. Betting in foreign exchange futures cost Bank Negara Malaysia RM30 billion in the 1990s.

25. Perwaja Steel resulted in losses of US$800 million (RM2.56 billion).

26. Use of RM10 billion public funds in the Valuecap Sdn Bhd operation to shore up the stock market

27. Banking scandal of RM700 million losses in Bank Islam

28. The sale of M.V. Agusta by Proton for one Euro making a loss of €75.99 million (RM 348 million) Same as No:20?

29. Wang Ehsan from oil royalty on Terengganu RM7.4 billion from 2004 – 2007

30. For the past 10 years since Philharmonic Orchestra was established, this orchestra has swallowed a total of RM500 million.Hiring a kwai-lo CEO with salary of more than RM1 M per annum !

31. In Advisors Fees, Mahathir was paid RM180,000, Shahrizat Abdul Jalil (women and social development affairs) RM404,726 and Abdul Hamid Othman (religious) RM549,675 per annum

32. The government has spent a total of RM3.2 billion in teaching Maths and Science in English over the past five years. Out of the amount, the government paid a whopping RM2.21 billion for the purchase of information and computer technology (ICT) equipments which it is unable to give a breakdown. Govt paid more than RM6k per notebook vs per market price of less than RM3k through some new consortiums that setup just to transact the notebook deal. There was no math & science content for the teachers and the notebooks are all with the teachers' children now.

33. The commission paid for purchase of jets and submarines to two private companies Perimeker Sdn Bhd and IMT Defence Sdn Bhd amounted to RM910 million. Expanding on No 2?

37. RM300 million to compensate Gerbang Perdana for the RM1.1 billion"Crooked Scenic Half-Bridge"

38. RM1.3 billion have been wasted building the white elephant Customs, Immigration and Quarantine (CIQ) facilities on cancellation ofthe Malaysia-Singapore scenic bridge

39. RM 100 million on renovation of Parliament building and leaks

40. National Astronaut Programme – RM 40 million

41. National Service Training Programme – yearly an estimate of RM 500 million

42. Eye of Malaysia – RM 30 million and another RM5.7 million of free ticket

43. RM 2.4 million on indelible ink

44. Samy announced in September 2006 that the government paid compensation amounting to RM 38.5 billion to 20 highway companies. RM380 million windfalls for 9 toll concessionaires earned solely from the toll hike in 2008 alone.

45. RM32 million timber export kickbacks involving companies connected to Sarawak Chief Minister and his family.
46. Two bailouts of Malaysia Airline System RM7.9 billion. At a time when MAS incurring losses every year, RM1.55 million used to buy three paintings to decorate its chairman's (Munir) office. Expanding on No:11

47. Putra transport system bailout which cost RM4.486 billion.

48. STAR-LRT bailout costing RM3.256 billion.

49. National Sewerage System bailout costing RM192.54 million.

50. Seremban-Port Dickson Highway bailout costing RM142 million.

51. Kuching Prison bailout costing RM135 million.

52. Kajian Makanan dan Gunaan Orang Islam bailout costing RM8.3 million.

53. Le Tour de Langkawi bailout costing RM 3.5 Million.

54. Wholesale distribution of tens of millions of shares in BursaMalaysia under guise of NEP to cronies, children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth billions of ringgits.

55. Alienation of tens of thousands of hectares of commercial lands and forestry concessions to children and relatives of BN leaders and Ministers worth tens of billions of ringgits.

56. Since 1997, Petronas has handed out a staggering 30 billion ringgit in natural gas subsidies to IPPs who were making huge profits.In addition, there were much wastages and forward trading of Petronas oil in the 1990s based on the low price of oil then. Since the accounts of Petronas are for the eyes of Prime Minister only, we have absolutely no idea of the amount.

57. RM5700 for a car jack worth RM50

58. Government-owned vehicle consumed a tank of petrol worth RM113 within a few minutes

59. A pole platform that cost RM990 was bought for RM30,000

60. A thumb drive that cost RM90 was bought for RM480

61. A cabinet that cost RM1,500 was bought for RM13,500

62. A flashlight that cost RM35 was bought for RM143

63. Expenses for 1 Malaysia campaign paid to APCO?

64. RM17 billion subsidy to IPP

65. USD24 million diamond ring for Ro$mah --- cancellation of order -- how much compensation???

source dated 19/4/12 from facebook:
~Anak Sarawak~
— with Jentera Pas.

Monday, March 19, 2012

No such thing as ‘Malay unity’

Well put, dear Hafidz. However, now that the cat is out of the basket, be careful about those holier than thou types. They'll be out to get you on your gay-ism. Sigh... I wish that there are more open-minded people like you around instead of those kataks di bawah tempurung types.



No such thing as ‘Malay unity’

March 19, 2012

MARCH 19 — Currently, some people are calling for unity among one race in Malaysia — the Malay race. And this call is being heeded by political and non-political factions; this includes Perkasa, Umno and, of course, some people in PAS who still believe in the concept of racial unity contrary to their so-called conservative Islamic beliefs. Some leaders have spoken out against it being a reality and one of them is my much-admired once-bankrupted former Finance Minister Tun Daim Zainuddin.

Now let me ask a question. How many prime ministers are really, truly, Malaysian Malay? Meaning that their parents, grandparents and perhaps even two generations beforehand were all from Malaysia?

Look back some 60 years, if not further.

Tunku Abdul Rahman was partially Thai, the Onn family line were partially Turkish or at least Eurasian as I recall, and Tun Mahathir Mohamad himself isn’t purely local either. Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi is also partly Arabic and heck, Datuk Seri Najib Razak is in fact partly of Indonesian descent. And I haven’t even begun to go into the history lessons we had in Form 3 on the royal families yet.

Let us consider what to look at when you look at the Malays. Historically, the Malays were given the role of administrators by the British, but only the elites. The rest of the Malays toiled in the kampungs, focusing on agriculture while the Chinese focused on industry and manufacturing and the Indians were coolies. I am not being disrespectful, I am stating facts. Not all Indians came off a boat from Chennai and straight away became lawyers in good ol’ Malaya.

And then came 1969 when the Malays apparently had a clash with the Chinese because someone apparently took the wrong route in a victory parade that led to killings and the burning of buildings which could be seen by Tunku Abdul Rahman himself as he stood on his balcony.

But after that, everyone thought the Malays should unite, and the Chinese should do the same, which was why Gerakan and PAS both decided to join in the emergency government set up after that under Tun Abdul Razak. PAS would never have united under Tunku Abdul Rahman because the guy loved his horses and whiskey too much.

If these people want to unite the race, let me just ask this question. Under what banner? Do you want to unite under Perkasa, Umno or PAS?

Just pick one of the three and you would see that there, right there, is where the shit hits the fan. Personally on my side, I think all three are similar. The only difference is that one of them talks shit, the other is shit and the third thinks the nation is shit and needs to be saved so it is worthy of Allah’s grace. And if anyone has an objection, take it up with Shahnon Ahmad.

The Malays can’t unite because we believe in different things. Some believe that everyone should convert to Islam. Others think we should put race ahead of nation and religion. Well, fine by me. Go tell that to the Indonesians here. Let’s go ahead and join them, why don’t we? After all, they’re Malay too.

And, of course, there are some who think that if you’re constitutionally Malay, you’re good enough to get benefits that make Groupon weep. Just bring an IC that says “‘Melayu” and they will love you long time. As long as you vote for them, at least. That seems to be the message coming from Umno. If you want a good drainage system, electricity, water and even bailouts for wrongly budgeting jet fuel, just vote Umno in the general election and they will lend you a helping hand afterwards. They’re at least consistent with that, even if they’re not really all Malay.

The thing is Malays will not be united because we all have different causes, all right?

Some want to preach their beliefs, some want to help their own people and then there are others who want and will always be racist loudmouths. Then there’s the younger generation who think people should just shut up and live their lives without bothering anybody else; live and let live.

And personally, I am proud to be a Muslim, to be a Malay, to be gay and out, living my life but most of all for being Malaysian. And this is coming from yours truly, who is Indonesian, Chinese, Indian and Perak Malay by descent, who now resides in libertarian conservative Shah Alam. If you want to get me to unite with you, it won’t be on race, or religion, or politics because I am either too liberal or in some instances, too conservative.

It would only be on straight out nation building for our collective future. And that is where every Malaysian should heed the call to unity. Everything else is just a farce.

* The views expressed here are the personal opinion of the columnist.

=== unquote from source:

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Origins of Hang Tuah...

Origins of Hang Tuah ( and Hang Jebat Hang Lekiu etc)

By John Chow

This is what I heard:-

Findings of the team of scientists, archaeologist, historian and other technical staff from the United State, United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, Yemen & Russia

The graves of Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu and their close friends have been found and their skeletons had been analysed. Their DNA had been analysed and it is found that Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu etc. are not Malay, but Chinese (Islamic Chinese, just like the famous Admiral Cheng Ho). Malacca was a protectorate of China at that time, and the Emperor of China sent the Sultan of Malacca “yellow gifts’ as a token of his sovereignty. The 5 warrior brothers were believed to be sent to help protect Malacca and its Sultan from Siam (Thailand).

The Sultans of Malacca was directly descended from the Parameswara from Indonesia who fled to Tamasek (Singapore) and then to Malacca. The Malaccan Sulatanate family eventually spread and became the Sultanate of the other Malay states of Perak and Johor. Therefore, the Sultanate royal court and the aristocrats of the Malay sultanates are actually foreigners from Sumatra and Java. Hang Tuah and his friends were the protectors of the Indonesian aristocratic Parameswara family who came to Malaya around 1400 AD and claimed sovereignty of the land.

For confirmation please refer to:-

The Federal Association of Arc & Research of Michigan, USA

John Chow’s notes:-

“Hang” is an unusual surname or name for a Malay. It sounds like s corruption of a Chinese surname.

In fact, Chinese names start with the surname first, and given names last. Malay names start with the given names first, and the father’s name last (as in Ahmad bin Yusuf which means “Ahmad, the son of Yusuf”). There is no surname in traditional Malay! There is no surname to carry forward to the next generation.

We also need to examine the genealogy. We know that Hang Tuah’s father was Hang Mamat. Here, we do not see a Malay name transmission. We see a name being carried forward. It is also noted that the placement of the name that is carried forward is in front. This indicates that the surname is “Hang”. It is the transmission of Chinese names.

We also know that Hang Tuah’s son is Hang Nadim. Again, the name “Hang” is carried forward, and yet again, auspiciously in front, as a Chinese name would be, with the surname in front. There is no indication of a Malay naming convention.

Note that Hang Nadim is also known as Si Awang (Malays would colloquially refer to others as “Si”. “A” or “Ah” is a common prefix for referring to others in Chinese. Thus, a person with surname Wang/Huang would be referred to as “Si Ah Wang” in Malaysia - Mr. Ah Huang) by the Malays.

Note that Hang Tuah’s mother is Dang Merdu. “Dang” would be quite an unusual surname for a Malay also. However, “Dang” or “Tang” is a common Chinese surname. Note that the name “Dang” is in front, signifying that this is a Chinese naming convention, yet again.

Some Malays will argue that “Hang” is an honorific term (Humba) for those that serve the royal courts. This argument is not tenable. Firstly, where is the precedence in sultanates that preceded the Malaccan Sultanate? Secondly, where is the evidence that this is so in succeeding sultanates? Thirdly, where is the evidence that this practice was carried out in the sultanate of that time? And has that Sultan given it to other court official and the royal family and their court officials and courtesans? Where is the evidence? Fourthly, since Hang Tuah’s father is called Hang Mamat, then he would have served the Sultan prior to Hang Tuah. But there is no evidence this is so. In fact, there is evidence that Hang Tuah was a very poor kid in the village. His father was not a high court official, and he was not brought up in the court. In addition, since if Hang Tuah’s father Hang Mamat had already served as a high court official, why must Hang Tuah be educated in Bahasa Melayu and court etiquette etc. again since the family is already indoctrinated in royal protocol?

"Dalam perbendaharaan nama-nama orang Melayu semasa zaman kesultanan Melaayu Melaka, tiada terdapat nama-nama seumpama Hang Tuah, Hang Kasturi, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir, Hang Lekiu, ringkasnya ringkasan yang bermula dengan ¡®Hang¡¯. Sejarah juga telah mencatatkan nama-nama dari bangsa Cina yang bermula dengan Hang, Tan, Maa dan Lee. Ia bergantung kepada suku kaum atau asal-usul keturunan mereka dari wilayah tertentu dari China. Kemungkinan untuk mendakwa bahawa gelaran ¡®Hang¡¯ telah dianugerahkan oleh Raja-Raja Melayu juga tiada asasnya. "

The last sentence loosely translates as, "There's the possibility to propose that the term "Hang" conferred as a honorific by the Malay Kings also has no basis."

Moreover, before the time of the 5 warriors with their close families during this close period of relationship with the Chinese, there are no Malays with this name.

Note that the Chinese ‘princess’ who married the Sultan of Malacca was called “Hang Li Po”. Here, we not only see the same name, but the name is also in front, indicating a Chinese naming convention. Hang Li Po brought along with her many servants and bodyguards from China who became the Baba and Nyonya's of Malacca - these folk exist to this day. Chinese who do not know how to speak or write Chinese. They have been totally ‘malayanised”. Babas are people of Chinese descend who have been malayanised to such an extent that they wear Malay clothing, eat Malay food (with some Chinese food), speak Malay, and do not speak or write Chinese. Malacca is famous for its Baba communities. The only thing that is Chinese about them is that they are of Chinese ancestry. If you say that Hang Tuah is a Malay in the same sense that these Chinese have been malayanised, then you might be quite right. However, at this present moment, we are arguing on the basis whether he was an ethnic Malay or an ethnic Chinese, in the sense of blood ancestry. .

There is an old Chinese tradition where warriors or servants in the royal palace were given or re-issued with surnames given by the emperor, to signify that they belong to the emperor, or to one of his offsprings. Therefore, it is possible that some very special bodyguards of the emperor or the royal family, have the same surname to signify that they are a unit formed especially to protect that one owner. Since the Princess Hang Li Po was given away in marriage to a strategic partner whose land the emperor wanted to ensure is safe and stable, he assigned a group of able warriors to the Princess Li Po, and he gave their families the same surname. This is not an unusual practice for the Chinese emperor.

As for Hang Kasturi having 4 characters in his name, it is unusual, but it does happen that some Chinese have only 2 characters, and some have 4 characters in their names. For example, my paternal grandmother had only 2 characters in her name.



1) Evidence that traditional Malay naming conventions do not carry the name of the father forward.

2) There is no surname to carry forward

3) Neither name nor surname are placed in front.

4) The genealogy of the early part of the lineage tree makes reference to Chinese ancestry:- “Putera Chedra China” “Puetra China” and then later “Paduka Sri Cina”

This proves there has been early Chinese links in the Malay/Indonesian races and aristocratic lineages.

One Malay argued that Hang Tuah was already in the service of the Sultan before Hang Li Po was sent to Malacca. However, there is not evidence of this. A probable reference is the semi folklore Hikayat Hang Tuah, whicjh is not very reliable as it has many contradiction to Sejarah Melayu. . From the Ming Dynasty chronicles does not mention Hang Li Po or Hang Tuah but did mention the trip of Sultan Mansur Shah. See:

It is even possible that Hang Li Po was a minor “princess” (ie. only a daughter of a court official) who the emperor ordered to be given away to marry a vassal sate in order to ensue loyalty and close diplomatic relation. The whole event was blown up to given the foreign king a big ego boost that the great Chinese overlord gave him his own daughter in marriage! (It is doubtful that the conservative Chinese emperors would give their daughters away to somebody living in a foreign land very far away). It has happened before in the history of China. For example, the Tibetans think that their King Sonten Gampo forced the Chinese emperor to give away his daughter in marriage in order to make peace with great big powerful Tibet. The story from the Chinese side is that the Chinese emperor tricked the egotistical Tibetan king into believing that the palace maid was a princess and sent her off with her retinue and gifts. It was a ‘diplomatic trick”. Therefore, it is possible that the Chinese court repeated the trick on Sultan Mansur Shah, and gave him a “Chinese princess” with many gifts for the Sultan. In the meantime, he sent some warriors to the Sultanate to help ensure peace, safety and stability in the region – all in China’s national interests. Protect your friends and your interests will be protected. Or it could have been a ploy used by the Chinese emperor and the Malaccan sultan to use this marriage of a “princess” to deter the Siamese kings from encroaching on Malaccan territory. Siam would not dare to invade Malacca whose sultan is a son in law of the mighty Chinese empire!


The 5 sworn brothers who studied and practised Silat together are:-

Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekir, Hang Lekiu and Hang Kasturi.

Further references:-

Serajah Melayu – History of the Malay Peninsula

Parameswara and the founding of the Sultanate of Malacca by John Chow

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Hang Tuah, Hang Li Po, et al are real!!!

written by Den, January 17, 2012 11:27:01
The Truth Revealed (with evidence)!

In June 1998, the government of Malaysia had hired a team of experts from all over the world to be gathered here in Malaysia for a research project to compliment the history studies that we undertook in our secondary school.

The objective of the research is simply:

1. To find proof and evidence that show the Malays were the origins of Malaysia and they were the first race and religion that landed their feet in Malaysia .

2. To further strengthen their claims, first they need to find the graveyard of the Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat,Hang Lekiu and etc.. to show the existence of their pioneers.

3. The Batu bersurat in Terengganu, reveals that the islamic religionhas landed in Malaysia for more than a hundred years ago which furtherstrengthen their claims!

Go and ask your brother, sister, niece, nephew etc.
Since the year 1999 (if i'm not mistaken) or year 2000, do they study about HANG TUAH anymore ???

Why is that popular subject GONE ??? Missing in action ??? or evidence reveals something else that caused the government to stop the syllabus and HIDE the TRUTH ???

Here are the Evidences of the findings by the team of scientists, archaeologist, historian
and other technical staff from the United States , United Kingdom , Germany , Canada , Yemen & Russia .

The evidence are:

1) They finally found the graveyard of Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat etc..., their skeleton had been analized and samples of DNA taken with the results show:
Hang Tuah, Hang Jebat, Hang Lekiu and mates were NOT MALAY!!!
They were CHINESE (islamic) from China !!! Why were they here in Malacca???

If go back in history, you would know that they were on a mission to protect the UNGRATEFUL MALAY Sultanate from the frequent attacks by the Kingdom of SIAM ( Thailand ) !!! So Hang Tuah was not Malay hero!!

They were the protectors of the useless and ungrateful Parameswara (who was from INDONESIA ) landed in Malacca and claimed that the land belonged to him!!!

The Hang Tuah bunch of people were all from China , they were being assigned to Malacca Sultanate because Parameswara requested the Ming Dynasty Emporer for protection!!!

Hence, the rich historical heritage of the Babas & Nyonya being closely linked to the Seven Voyages to the Western Ocean by Admiral Zheng He who incidentally was a Chinese Muslim himself!

That's why the Hang Tuah series of history is MISSING from the Malaysian SEJARAH today! !!

Note : Remember Princess Hang Li Poh ? - All surname 'HANG'

Second Evidence:
The researchers hired by the government found the oldest tomb stones (graveyard) in Kelantan in year 2000. Surprisingly the tomb stones were at least 900 years old !!!
Older than the so-called batu bersurat. And the best thing was that they all belonged to the CHINESE !!!

Being landed first in Malacca doesn't mean Malay is the first in Malaysia because during that time, the road was too long or undeveloped for them to reach or see the other side of the coast where the Chinese had landed much earlier.

If you want the black and white hard evidence of what the truth of the Research reveals,
please write to The Federal Association of Archaeology & Research of Michigan, USA .

This is a good reason to remind the UMNO Bumiputras NOT to ask the Chinese or Indians to go back to their Motherlands because the evidence had shown that Malays were NOT the original people of Malaysia !

The Truth Revealed (with evidence) and anthropologists have yet to ascertain if there was indeed a Malay race!


Wednesday, January 11, 2012


If the present UMNO/BN regime is not kicked out in the next GE, Malaysia will be bankrupt. Will MACC take action? Many doubt it as it'll be NFA, as usual. Sigh...

======== begin =========

Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Greetings and salutation to all,

Before I continue any further, pardon me for the delay. As originally mentioned on my previous posting, I will come out with another exposé on 23rd December 2011. But alas, current situations and time does not permit me to do so. I hope everyone would understand that I also have my daily commitments and juggling between my own schedules and this blog in my spare time is not an easy thing for an ordinary Joe like myself. All work and no play is not healthy

As usual, I’m evoking The Whistleblower Protection Act 2010, Act 711, gazette on 10 June 2010 for myself, my sources and informers. For now I will need to postpone the Phoenix Project Chapter exposé instead I will go with something else that involves the same businessman and a former minister but still a Member Of Parliament.




Dato’ Seri Abu Kassim Mohamed

Email received from Dato' A after my second exposé with a message from SPRM Cheif Commissioner.

“SPRM will definitely take actions”, Dato’ Seri Abu Kassim Mohamed, Ketua Pesuruhjaya, Suruhanjaya Pencegahan Rasuah Malaysia.

What, when and how remains unknown to me. Only Dato’ Seri Abu Kassim knows the answer best.

Thank you the email Dato' A, at least I know that you are really concern about this.

Now get down to business. Let’s divert the attention to another member of parliament. This member of parliament also received monies from Dato’ Yahya Abd Jalil companies (AMPMSB). The mode of the transaction is pretty straight forward. Perhaps it is meant for social programs in the Member of Parliament constituency. Who knows for sure except for the giver and the receiver. The Member of Parliament meant here was the former Minister of Youth and Sports Malaysia from March 2004 until March 2008 and also the former Minister of Tourism Malaysia from March 2008 until April 2009. The Member of Parliament is none other than YB Dato’ Sri Azalina Othman Said, Member Of Parliament Pengerang, Johor. She has received “contributions” of RM 300,000.00 on 07/04/2011 thru a cheque number 872045 (here) belonging to AMPMSB. As I said, the true nature of the “contribution” is only known to the giver and the receiver. Perhaps it is best to let Dato’ Sri Azalina Othman make a statement just like her counterpart has. Perhaps SPRM also can have a closer look at this.

AMPMSB Cheque No 872045

Dato’ Yahya Abd Jalil

No statement yet!!!

Senator Dato’ Dr Awang Adek Hussin

Amount received as of May 2011 - RM 120,000.00.

Utusan Malaysia, 22 December 2011, Thursday

“There are many companies and individuals that gives donation to me so that I can run things or programs for the people of Bachok. Many have donated through that account. I have the record of the donations including who are the giver and the recipient of the contributions. I also have a dedicated officer to look after that account.

Principally, there are peoples that contributed. There is no problem for anyone to donate. Except for those with personal interest i.e. to gain a contract. As a Deputy Minister, I have nothing to do with contract awards.” Senator Dato Dr. Awang Adek Hussin.

If I’m not mistaken the conduct of Senator Dato' Dr. Awang Adek Hussin in this instance is similar to the 1976 graft case of the late Dato’ Seri Harun Idris former Menteri Besar of Selangor (1964-1976).

Dato’ Yahya Abd Jalil

No statement yet!!!

Dato’ Po’ad Jelani

Amount received as of May 2011 - RM 170,000.00.

No statement yet!!!

Dato’ Yahya Abd Jalil

No statement yet!!!

Dato Mohd Shukor Abd Manan

Amount received as of May 2011 - RM 160,000.00.

No statement yet!!!

Dato’ Yahya Abd Jalil

Awaiting for Statement

YB Dato’ Sri Azalina Othman Said

Amount received as of May 2011 - RM 300,000.00.

Awaiting for Statement

Dato’ Yahya Abd Jalil

Who’s NEXT ???

I really hope that people will stop and think for themselves, disregard what others might say. All this while, we have heard stories of bribes, misappropriation, corruptions, cheating the government and taking the Rakyat’s monies and so on. ITS TIME TO PUT AN END TO ALL THIS. ITS TIME TO ACT. There are many ways for you to act, one of it thru choosing the “RIGHT” government. BUT there is also another way, EXPOSE THIS CORRUPT OFFICIALS, POLITICIANS AND ANYONE. Gather evidence as my sources and informers has. Be vigilant. Be safe. Disregard any political motive and alignment, as corruption does not knows any political ideology. Let us all work together with the authorities and should the authorities failed, then there is always another way, expose it publicly. Let us work together for a better Malaysia. For ourselves and our future generation. We would not want to be bankrupted by these corrupt people. If we do not act now, our grandchildren will tell tales of how corruption has always been the Malaysian way and that we, their predecessor has done nothing to put an end to it. I’m glad that my small space in cyberspace has gain momentum, beyond anything that I’ve imagined. SOMEONE HAVE EMAIL ME AND SAID, “KEEP THE TORCH BURNING”. WELL I MIGHT HAVE A BETTER IDEA, HELP YOURSELF BY PASSING THE TORCH, HELP YOURSELF BY SPREADING THE WORDS AND HELP YOURSELF FOR A BETTER FUTURE.

Signing out for now.

Is this our future?
Yours Sincerely,
